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What are high-risk behaviors at work?

When we evaluate a job’s danger index, we must consider all the risks that may exist, with the aim of finding the most efficient solution.

In general, there are risks that can be seen (such as electrical installations) and those that are less visible (such as lack of safety education).

In a more detailed way, we can categorize the risks as follows:

  • Workplace-Related: those safety risks associated with work facilities.
  • Related to the activity: those security risks associated with the activities carried out by the worker.
  • Related to the environment: those safety risks associated with environmental conditions, such as gases or extreme temperatures.
  • Related to risky behavior: those safety risks associated with a lack of education and awareness.

Surprisingly, most workplace injuries are caused by risky behavior. Risk behaviors are those behaviors carried out by the worker that, either due to lack of knowledge or concentration, put his/her safety at risk.

Some examples of risk behaviors are:

  • not wearing the correct PPE.
  • not using the correct techniques.
  • failing to stay focused on performing the activity.
  • failure to follow established security procedures.

What is behavioral risk management?

‍Behavioral risk management is the process of analyzing and identifying behavioral problems in the workplace and ensuring that the potential for harm is minimized.

Main Steps in the Behavioral Risk Management Process:

  • ‍Identify the risks to which the worker is exposed.
  • Identify and optimize the processes that affect these risks.
  • Take measures based on the data obtained.

Best Practices to Reduce Behavioral Risks

  • Make a culture change in the company.
  • Raise awareness among all workers through education.
  • Include IoT technology to monitor the possibilities of an occupational accident and analyze environmental risks.
  • Hold meetings with workers often to get real information.
  • Carry out training and examinations on mental health.
  • Implement predictive models from the data obtained.

Without a doubt, we are creatures of habit that operate most of the time on autopilot. It is difficult to always be on alert as it can lead to mental exhaustion.

However, it is very important that companies invest not only in visible risks but also in those that require further study, in order to guarantee the safety of all workers.

The incorporation of the IoT in occupational safety has meant a great advance in risk prevention measures. This technology not only helps the prevention team to measure environmental risks, but also helps to monitor the risky behavior of employees, guaranteeing their privacy.

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Registre Mercantil de Girona
VOLUM: 3063
FOLI: 17
FULL: GI-59582
ENGIDI © 2022
Photography by Jimmy Nilsson Masth
Powered by Balbina Sardà