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The launch of “Enxaneta”: new opportunities for connectivity and 5G IoT

Last monday we woke up with the exciting news that Russia finally had managed to launch “Enxaneta”, the first nanosatellite of the two that the Catalan Government plans to put into orbit to improve the connectivity of Catalonia and the observation of the Earth. This launch is part of Catalonia’s New Space strategy, which seeks to promote the aerospace sector. The Generalitat trusts that this growing sector will generate 1,200 jobs in the next 4 years and a turnover of 280 million euros.

The idea behind the Enxeneta is to improve connectivity in places where mobile coverage does not reach or is insufficient. Through small sensors, the extra coverage of the satellite will make it possible to monitor the flow of rivers and water reserves, monitor wildlife or control crops to make more efficient use of water, for example.

The key to the business is that the “constellation” provides coverage where terrestrial communications do not reach. And this affects 90% of the planet’s surface, according to Sateliot, the telecommunications company that is behind the construction and the launch.

According to the latest report published by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, 13.4% of rural areas in the country do not have Internet access of at least 30 Mbps speed through terrestrial networks, with the consequences that this has for the economy and social development of these municipalities.

The arrival of ultra-fast Internet connection by satellite to all municipalities may have a driving impact on economic activity in rural areas, which will allow, among other things, the creation of a new business fabric linked to sustainability and the digital transformation of rural businesses, generating employment, establishing population and evolving towards a more egalitarian and just society.

Furthermore, this ultra-fast broadband will also play a crucial role in connecting basic mobility and emergency services, for which the immediacy of communications is of vital importance for an efficient exchange of information in real time.

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Registre Mercantil de Girona
VOLUM: 3063
FOLI: 17
FULL: GI-59582
ENGIDI © 2022
Photography by Jimmy Nilsson Masth
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