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Internet of Things and its impact on Human Resources

As we have discussed in recent articles, the concept of “Internet of Things” or IoT is the digital interconnection of objects through the Internet. This leads to more intelligence, connectivity, sensitivity of objects, communication, energy savings and security.

This exchange of data between the Internet and the physical world aims to improve the experience of daily life. The objects have sensors that perceive movements, temperatures, weights, etc .; there is a software that stores them and “translates” that information into digital language and then communicates it through other devices, in order to know a given scenario and, at the same time, foresee future scenarios.

The objective of IoT is to be able to anticipate needs and make resources more efficient.

How can IoT impact the HR department?

The IoT applied to HR is no longer about detecting the stock of a distribution center, the amount of raw material of a manufacturing factory or verifying the correct operation of health equipment in a hospital, but rather refers to the management of data associated with people.

With the information obtained from what happens in a company, in a sector, IoT will allow the creation of more flexible workspaces, with a greater number of elements and equipment with an Internet connection, and not only devices related to work specifically, but also everything that is present in the work environment.


The use of IoT in HR can also benefit the security aspect aimed at preventing employees from suffering accidents at work; the placement of sensors in spaces or wearable equipment offer in real time information on the working conditions of workers who work directly with machines or tools or of employees who work in administrative areas, allows to prevent accidents and act immediately when they arise.

Engidi connects the personal protective equipment to an intelligent data analysis platform, generating behavior patterns so that they can later be analyzed by those responsible for PRL or company security, allowing them to reduce their effectiveness and the level of dangerousness.

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Registre Mercantil de Girona
VOLUM: 3063
FOLI: 17
FULL: GI-59582
ENGIDI © 2022
Photography by Jimmy Nilsson Masth
Powered by Balbina Sardà