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Jousimiehen horoskooppi härkävuodelle 2021: tarkka ennuste
7 hyötyä keholle, jos aloitat syömisen 2 neilikkaa päivässä
Kaudella: Resepti kotitekoiseen karhunvatukka- ja vadelmaviiniin
Sanat, jotka voivat muuttaa lapsen elämän
Kuinka parantaa perunamuusin makua: kaikki kotiäidit eivät tiedä
Kuinka säilyttää pavut oikein sadonkorjuun jälkeen: hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia ja ominaisuuksia
Kumpi kahvi on terveellisempää juoda: pikakahvi, kapseli vai jauhettu kahvi?
Pesumenetelmät ”kolme lusikkaa” ja ”kahdeksan lusikkaa”: asiat ovat kuin uusia – tarkista itse
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Learn more about the use of wearable devices to monitor workers safety and workplace hazards with our latest articles and interviews:

What are high-risk behaviors at work?

July 4, 2022
What are high-risk behaviors at work? When we evaluate a job’s danger index, we must consider all the risks that may exist, with the aim of finding the most efficient solution. In general, there are risks that can be seen (such as electrical installations) and those that are less visible (such as lack of safety […]

Ayudas de hasta 40.000 euros para impulsar la transformación digital a través de la colaboración con startups

May 16, 2022
Subvenciones a pymes para la digitalización a través de la colaboración con startups Nueva oportunidad para que las empresas puedan digitalizar su proceso de prevención de riesgos. El programa Activa Startups, impulsado por la EOI y el Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, ofrece a las pymes ayudas de hasta 40.000 euros para impulsar la […]

‘El viaje a la digitalización’ ya disponible en Movistar Plus+

April 25, 2022
‘El viaje a la digitalización’, ya disponible en Movistar Plus+ Esta producción muestra, a través de imágenes y entrevistas inéditas, cómo la era digital en la que estamos inmersos está modificando nuestro día a día. El sábado 23 de abril, Movistar Plus+ estrenó ‘El viaje a la digitalización’, el primer documental producido por Telefónica España […]

The Role of Digitalization In Rescue Teams

April 5, 2022
The Role of Digitization In Rescue Teams Rescue teams carry out one of the most dangerous yet rewarding jobs with the sole aim of helping their local communities. In recent years, we have seen the rise in extreme weather events, such as floods and storms, or security issues, such as those with high-rise buildings. Rescue […]

Best Practices for Utilizing Workplace Wearables

March 16, 2022
Best Practices for Utilizing Workplace Wearables The introduction of technology to the workplace has made employees even more valuable to the company’s activities by enhancing their physical abilities as well as turning them as a key element for the collection of relevant data in real time. Following proven practices for workplace wearables can help your […]

Noise, the most frequently reported disease in the European Union

January 20, 2022
Noise, the most frequently reported disease in the European Union In the last 15 years, the proportion of employees exposed to hearing-hazardous noise has increased both in Europe and worldwide. The construction and industry sectors continue to be among the most affected, so it is necessary to apply rigorous measures to reduce this problem. Difference […]

Best books about IoT published in 2021

November 23, 2021
Best books about IoT published in 2021 Digital transformation has become a necessity for companies in almost all sectors. Whether it’s updating existing technologies to streamline business processes or establishing a cultural shift across departments. This is why training in technology and deep understanding of its applications such as the Internet of Things is essential […]

Smart Ports: top 5 ports that are leading

November 22, 2021
Smart Ports: top 5 ports that are leading Transport of commercial goods by sea has experienced a great boost in recent years. Adapting and improving seaport infraestructures has become an obligation and consequently more measures to protect goods and workers have been applied. Given their complexity and large volume of daily operations, seaports are facilities […]

6G Network: what is and when to expect it

November 12, 2021
6G Network: what is and when to expect it The 6G is the sixth generation of mobile connectivity. In the same way that 5G succeeded 4G, 6G will come to replace 5G with higher speed and even lower latency. To get started, the 6G will be able to reach a download speed of up to […]

When is the use of a safety helmet mandatory?

November 12, 2021
When is the use of a safety helmet mandatory? A safety helmet is a personal protective equipment intended to be worn or held by a worker to protect his head mainly from mechanical hazards or blows. However, they can also protect workers from other risks such as electrical or thermal risks. In the new generation […]

The big Vs of Big Data

October 27, 2021
What is Big Data? When we talk about Big Data we refer to data sets or combinations of data sets whose size, complexity and speed of growth make it difficult to capture, manage, process or analyze them using conventional technologies and tools. What makes Big Data so useful for many companies is the fact that […]

Effects of climate change on occupational health

October 27, 2021
Effects of climate change on occupational health The study of the effect of climate change on occupational health is only in its beginnings, but there is already relevant research that evaluates the impact of climate change on occupational health and productivity. Global warming is no longer a problem of the future. Droughts, hurricanes, hunger, poverty […]

Mountain rescues: causes of accidents, protocol and prevention.

October 13, 2021
Mountain rescues: causes of accidents, protocol and prevention The pandemic has triggered the holidays to the mountains, keeping the family bubble closed, and in search of tranquility. In the same way, the number of people practicing mountain sports has increased remarkably. Due to these two factors, mountain rescues have soared with figures much higher than […]

What are the worker’s rights after a work accident?

October 6, 2021
What are the worker’s rights after a work accident? The common definition of an occupational accident is that it is a physical or mental bodily injury suffered by a worker caused or related to his work. We must take into account that the bodily injury can be physical or mental, and that the accident must […]

Smart Airports: IoT responds to demand

September 29, 2021
Smart Airports: IoT responds to demand New technologies have allowed multiple advances in different sectors such as the Tourism and Transportation sectors. As the number of passengers travelling keeps growing, as well as the international trade of goods, terminals demand a precise adaptation to accommodate new solutions. The implementation of these new mechanisms leads to […]

4 key topics that will define the future of work

September 20, 2021
4 key topics that will define the future of work Globalization and digitization have caused a great change in the day-to-day life of society and in the operation of companies. For years the most important companies have been competing with each other with the same weapon: technology. And this immediately affects employees. The recent Covid-19 […]

The origin and history of the Internet of Things

September 15, 2021
The origin and history of the Internet of Things When it comes to explaining what the IoT (Internet of Things) is, we summarize it as the turn out of everyday objects into sources of information that are connected to the network. The number of connected devices is projected to nearly triple globally over the next […]

5 ways wearable technology benefits workers health and security

September 8, 2021
5 ways wearable technology benefits workers health and security The projections for the IoT industry are rapidly increasing. The acceleration of digital transformation and the introduction of 5G have led to an increased use of this technology in our daily life. According to Juniper Research’s latest report, the number of IoT devices in 2021 will […]

New EU strategic framework on health and safety at work

August 31, 2021
New EU strategic framework on health and safety at work The effects of COVID-19 have revealed the importance of addressing health risks to workers during a health crisis. In this context, the European Commission is renewing its commitment to update occupational safety and health rules. On 28 June, the organization adopted the EU strategic framework […]

Origins and history of occupational risk prevention

August 3, 2021
Origins and history of occupational risk prevention In our blog articles we always mention the importance of having a good regulations strategy on occupational risk prevention. Previously, we explained how to implement a good strategy, how to improve the preventive culture of a company or the attributes that make a good leader in safety. In […]

Most common injuries for firefighters and how to prevent them

July 29, 2021
Most common injuries for firefighters and how to prevent them Every summer we are faced with the big problem of wildfires and firefighter safety. Unfortunately, the number of fires increases every year due to deforestation and climate change. According to an analysis by WWF and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in April 2020, the number of […]

The CIO’s Role in Security

July 21, 2021
The CIO’s Role in Security Until recently it was a new job title for many of us. Today the most innovative and advanced companies already have it present in their workforce and managing a team. We are talking about CIOs (Chief Innovation Officers). What is a CIO? The chief innovation officer (CIO) or chief technology […]

Extreme heat: recommendations and preventive measures

July 13, 2021
Extreme heat: recommendations and preventive measures Thermal stress can be defined as the discomfort that occurs in the human body due to imbalances in temperature, either due to accumulation or excessive loss of heat. We had previously explained in this blog the consequences and risks for workers who are exposed to very cold climates: heat […]

6 Attributes That Make a Safety Leader

July 7, 2021
6 Attributes That Make a Safety Leader Improving health and safety systems in the company requires a high level of commitment from all employees. On one hand, managers are a fundamental piece for the integration of prevention in the company as they lead the company’s culture and the implication on worker’s health. On the other […]

The important role of volunteers in emergency situations

June 22, 2021
The important role of volunteers in emergency situations We don’t have to say that volunteers are an indispensable piece in emergencies and disasters. In recent years, society has been shaken on numerous occasions by the support of volunteers in catastrophic situations, such as Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005 or the earthquake and […]

Internet of Things and its impact on Human Resources

June 17, 2021
Internet of Things and its impact on Human Resources As we have discussed in recent articles, the concept of “Internet of Things” or IoT is the digital interconnection of objects through the Internet. This leads to more intelligence, connectivity, sensitivity of objects, communication, energy savings and security. This exchange of data between the Internet and […]

Safety hazards associated with Oil and Gas extraction activities

June 9, 2021
Safety hazards associated with Oil and Gas extraction activities Despite the current prominence that renewable energies have taken, the Oil and Gas industry still accounts for the majority of the world’s energy generation. Likewise, this industry keeps its classification as one of the most dangerous industries for workers. Employees in the Oil and Gas extraction […]

Is the use of geolocation devices legal in the workplace?

May 27, 2021
Is the use of geolocation devices legal in the workplace? The latest technological advances and new labor measures have incorporated the use of geolocation tools for data extraction with the aim of improving processes efficiency and making better decisions. In many professions, geolocation has become an indispensable tool not only to be able to monitor […]

Understanding the SaaS Model: what is and advantages of its use

May 18, 2021
Understanding the SaaS Model: what is and advantages of its use We can describe SaaS or Software as a Service as a software distribution model where the software and its data are hosted on servers of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) company, which the clients can access via the Internet. Explained in another way, […]

Does dangerousness at work affect mental health?

May 11, 2021
Does dangerousness at work affect mental health? From 10 May until 16 May 2021, the NGO Mental Health Europe (MHE) is celebrating the second edition of the European Mental Health Awareness Week, in order to raise awareness about the importance of mental health in our everyday lives. At ENGIDI, we regularly see how dangerousness not […]

5 reasons why 5G will change our lives

May 4, 2021
5 reasons why 5G will change our lives In an easy way, we can define 5G as the development or evolution of the current 4G, being the fifth generation of wireless communication technologies and standards, which is basically the Internet that devices such as your mobile phone use to connect to the network anywhere. The […]

Occupational accident rate in the forestry sector

April 22, 2021
Occupational accident rate in the forestry sector The concept of occupational accidents refers to the production of accidents and diseases linked to the exercise of a professional activity. The forestry sector is, after the construction sector, the one with the highest rate of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. A more detailed analysis of the main […]

Insights on the South African IoT and Security industries

April 15, 2021
Insights on the South African IoT and Security industries In the recent years, the growing number of inventive startups that have arised in South Africa has fed expectations that it might become a big hub for innovation in the industrial internet of things (IIoT). South Africa Internet of Things (IoT) Market size was valued $2,079.63 […]

United Arab Emirates: increases the need to incorporate security measures in the construction sector

April 6, 2021
United Arab Emirates: increases the need to incorporate security measures in the construction sector The construction sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the most powerful industries in the country, being the 3rd most important in terms of GDP, behind petrochemicals and trade. In recent years, the country has experienced strong economic […]

What should I do if I see something unsafe in my workplace?

March 26, 2021
What should I do if I see something unsafe in my workplace? In 2020, 708 workers died in work accidents – 13 more than the previous year – and 1.004.344 were injured while working in Spain, according to the report presented by the Secretary of Occupational Health of the UGT. The increase of these numbers […]

The launch of “Enxaneta”: new opportunities for connectivity and 5G IoT

March 24, 2021
The launch of “Enxaneta”: new opportunities for connectivity and 5G IoT Last monday we woke up with the exciting news that Russia finally had managed to launch “Enxaneta”, the first nanosatellite of the two that the Catalan Government plans to put into orbit to improve the connectivity of Catalonia and the observation of the Earth. […]

Internet of Things: the focus of the European Commission

March 16, 2021
Internet of Things: the focus of the European Commission As digitization has been drastically incorporated not only in companies, but in people’s lives, it is the workers themselves who are asking their companies to introduce innovative technologies that guarantee their safety and benefit their productivity. After covid-19 entered our lives, the sectors of home, security, […]

How to improve the preventive culture of your company in 5 steps

March 11, 2021
How to improve the preventive culture of your company in 5 steps The preventive culture is the commitment and resolution of all problems in the environment of safety, health and business well-being of employees in the company. Below we highlight 5 steps that can help your company to improve the preventive culture and the management […]

Estrés térmico, hipotermia y congelación: los riesgos del trabajo en ambientes externos

March 2, 2021
Estrés térmico, hipotermia y congelación: los riesgos del trabajo en ambientes externos En el ámbito laboral existen numerosos puestos de trabajo que implican la realización de tareas en ambientes fríos, debido a trabajos que se realizan a la intemperie o en recintos industriales. El trabajo con frío en interiores y al aire libre puede tener […]

Australia’s oil and gas industries to improve workforce working conditions

February 22, 2021
Australia’s oil and gas industries to improve workforce working conditions Australia has a social security system and a culture of prevention and occupational safety and health well above the average of the industrialized countries of the world. As an example, the Australian Government has a free labor advocacy service that attends and manages claims for […]

Estos 4 libros ayudarán a tus trabajadores a entender los beneficios del IOT aplicado a la seguridad laboral

February 18, 2021
Estos 4 libros ayudarán a tus trabajadores a entender los beneficios del IOT aplicado a la seguridad laboral Los beneficios del IoT aplicado a la prevención de riesgos laborales son múltiples como hemos expuesto en este blog anteriormente. Sin embargo, aún queda trabajo en formación para empleadores y empleados de entornos laborales más peligrosos. A […]

Engidi strengthens its presence in the United States

February 9, 2021
Engidi strengthens its presence in the United States The IoT market in the United States is one of the most powerful and influential in the world. It is considered the cradle of technological trends thanks to ecosystems such as Silicon Valley or cities of great importance such as New York. In such a technological environment, […]

Reducir la peligrosidad en la minería, por Yerko Delgado, Gerente Mina de Gold Fields en Chile.

January 20, 2021
Reducir la peligrosidad en la minería, por Yerko Delgado, Gerente de Mina de Gold Fields en Chile Con más de 10.000 empleados, Gold Fields es una de las empresas mineras de oro más grandes del mundo. La empresa sudafricana tiene nueve minas en funcionamiento en Australia, Perú, Sudáfrica y África Occidental (incluida la empresa conjunta […]

Engidi, seleccionada para formar parte del programa Elewit del Grupo Red Eléctrica

December 16, 2020
Engidi, seleccionada para formar parte del programa Elewit del Grupo Red Eléctrica Desde que inició su actividad en 2019, Elewit – plataforma tecnológica del Grupo Red Eléctrica – apuesta por las startups y emprendedores, participando en diversas iniciativas y hubs de innovación. Tras el éxito de la primera edición, Elewit arranca por segunda vez su […]

5 razones por las que el Internet of Things, IoT, cambiará la industria Oil & Gas

December 1, 2020
5 razones por las que el Internet of Things, IoT, cambiará la industria Oil & Gas Las industrias del petróleo y del gas, principales fuentes de energía de las economías industrializadas, son unas de las más importantes de nuestra economía mundial. En las últimas décadas, el sector se ha enfrentado a desafíos, en gran parte […]

Estos son los costes intangibles que no tiene en cuenta la seguridad laboral

November 24, 2020
Estos son los costes intangibles que no tiene en cuenta la seguridad laboral Los costes tangibles de un accidente o enfermedad laboral son aquellos que podemos cuantificar monetariamente. Por ejemplo, el coste de los daños materiales tras un accidente, el coste en la producción al paralizarse una cadena de montaje, el coste de la sustitución […]

Smart Ports: Seguridad en los Puertos Marítimos

November 16, 2020
Smart Ports: Seguridad en los Puertos Marítimos En la última década, el tráfico en el transporte de mercancías comerciales por vía marítima ha vivido un gran impulso que ha conllevado a que el sector y sus infraestructuras deban adaptar y mejorar su medidas para proteger las cargas así como sus trabajadores. Los puertos marítimos son […]

La importancia de la geolocalización en la asistencia médica

November 10, 2020
La importancia de la geolocalización en la asistencia médica A principios de agosto de este año, la población libanesa se vio sorprendida por la explosión de 2.750 toneladas de nitrato de amonio, almacenadas de forma insegura en la zona del puerto de Beirut. El accidente dejó un saldo de más de 150 muertos y más […]

Beneficios de los EPIs inteligentes

November 3, 2020
Beneficios de los EPIs inteligentes Diariamente son muchos los trabajadores que se exponen a riesgos en su actividad cotidiana de trabajo. En ocasiones, estos riesgos pueden tener consecuencias en la salud del trabajador inmediatas, y en otras, perjudicarla a largo plazo. Por este motivo, contar con un equipo de protección individual (EPI) adecuado a cada […]

Una empresa responsable aplica la transformación digital para ofrecer más seguridad y salud a sus empleados

October 28, 2020
Una empresa responsable aplica la transformación digital para ofrecer más seguridad y salud a sus empleados La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) se ha definido hasta ahora como la “responsabilidad de las empresas por sus impactos en la sociedad”, según la Comisión Europea. Por lo tanto, la RSC se ha estado midiendo por su impacto, es […]

La digitalización se convierte en la ayuda esencial para convivir y superar la pandemia

October 20, 2020
La digitalización se convierte en la ayuda esencial para convivir y superar la pandemia La industria 4.0, o “cuarta revolución industrial”, es la aplicación de tecnologías disruptivas para recopilar, gestionar y procesar datos en tiempo real, y así tomar decisiones rápidas con menor riesgo de error para anticiparse a la competencia, a las necesidades del […]

La siniestralidad laboral, números al alza a pesar del parón económico

October 13, 2020
La siniestralidad laboral, números al alza a pesar del parón económico El término siniestralidad laboral se conoce como la frecuencia en la que se producen accidentes de trabajo y de enfermedades profesionales ligadas al ejercicio de una actividad profesional. Los accidentes de tráfico, golpes y aplastamientos han sido las principales causas de estos accidentes no […]
Registre Mercantil de Girona
VOLUM: 3063
FOLI: 17
FULL: GI-59582
ENGIDI © 2022
Photography by Jimmy Nilsson Masth
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