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Best Practices for Utilizing Workplace Wearables

The introduction of technology to the workplace has made employees even more valuable to the company’s activities by enhancing their physical abilities as well as turning them as a key element for the collection of relevant data in real time.

Following proven practices for workplace wearables can help your company achieve anticipated safety results and gain a meaningful ROI.

Here are our top 5 tips for getting the most from wearables in the industrial workplace.

1. Explain to your colleagues why the company is incorporating the wearable

Defining the intent and the goals will help employees understand the importance of using wearables in the workplace.

In this introduction session, you can anticipate and address misconceptions around privacy and data collection. For example, NGD-One doesn’t collect personal data from employees, all devices are anonymously worn.

Also, you can share with them the 5 ways wearable technology benefits workers health and security.

2. Encourage employees to participate in the safety improvement process

It’s important to make sure employees understand that they’re participation and a correct use of the tools can improve many aspects of the company, but the most important it’s their own safety.

For this, we suggest you to provide workers with specific training, select the most easy to wear devices and ask for feedback.

3. Use the collected data to make smart and effective decisions.

Reviewing the data collected and investing in analytics will help you identifying high-risk behaviors by job function or times of day or days of the week.

4. Share the results to your team

Once you have proven that the incorporation of wearables has led to improved KPIs, share it with your team so they are aware of the results, which will motivate them to keep using them. These results can be shared by categorizing them into positive impacts on employees and positive impacts on the company.

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Registre Mercantil de Girona
VOLUM: 3063
FOLI: 17
FULL: GI-59582
ENGIDI © 2022
Photography by Jimmy Nilsson Masth
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